Think About It:
A Write and Reflect Book Series 2
This book uses short stories and fun cartoons to educate young readers on real world issues such as drugs, peer pressure, bullying, and guns. You could be in their places one day. Their stories can help you make the right choices.
Think About It:
A Write and Reflect Book Series 2
Building on his highly entertaining and educational short story collection for kids, Think About It: A Write and Reflect Book Series I, author Brian Brown is back with his second installment. Think About It: Series II uses cartoons to illustrate riveting stories about kids facing tough, embarrassing, or even dangerous situations that children everywhere can relate to. Whether kids in the classroom are being pressured or bullied by other students to make a negative choice, have the urge to disobey their parents, or feel as if nobody understands them, all young adults and children can learn to make the right decisions through each character's story in this engaging and practical book.
Cracking the Code of Life
How to Unlock Your Door to Heaven on Earth
Through an enthralling combination of scientific analysis, spiritual insight, and evidence-based soft skill techniques, Cracking the Code of Life: How to Unlock Your Door to Heaven on Earth provides you with the keys to unlock your deepest desires and achieve genuine fulfillment. This book challenges conventional beliefs about manifestation and discloses an ancient, hidden, and infallible three-step process for receiving what you wish.